Grief, Healing, Poetry

Healing Is Not Linear

My Love,

I know how frustrating it is to be triggered
and down again after weeks or months of feeling good and strong.

You are angry.
You are tired of fighting.
I know this, Love.

But hold on, dear.
Listen to the waves and energy
of your own growth, your path.
The pattern. It’s coming …

The good is circling back around
to find you once again.

And catch you by surprise
with its light reignited.

Art by Dianne Hammer

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Instagram: @amiddleagedsurvivor
Facebook: @amiddledagedsurvivor
Substack: @amiddleagedsurvivor

Wishing you love, peace and sparks of joy wherever you are on your healing journey. It is my wish with all that I do and all that I write about for you to know that you are not alone. 

